About College

About College

I take great pleasure in welcoming you all to Govt. Degree College, Sabbavaram – Anakapalli Dist. website.

The College was established in the year 2008 with 4 conventional course covering Arts, Science and Commerce streams. I would also like to inform that we had recently shifted to new college building with 5acres of land. The college now offers a diverse range of education restructured self-financed UG programmes including Computers Sciences, Computer Applications and Aquaculture courses to choose from. Under my leadership, we have a strong and dedicated team of faculty committed to provide an excellent choice based learning environment and Industrial training to the students. Our college also promotes and celebrates wholesome participation and achievements in cultural, sports, all kinds of extra-curricular activities like NCC, Navy, NSS and Eco Club to ensure wholesome interpersonal excellence.

I wish all of our faculty, support staff and students a great success this academic year.

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